Learn Algebra in Just
30 Minutes a Day!

Do any of these scenarios describe you?

  • Are you in a constant battle with your current Algebra work and need extra help?
  • Are you trying desperately to pass an entrance exam or work-related exam that contains Algebra problems?
  • Are you a home-school parent or teacher looking for an Algebra curriculum that students understand and can relate to?
  • Do you desperately need extra help but can't afford a tutor?
  • Are you tired of searching for hours on YouTube for Algebra videos, only to find that you can't find one that you understand or meets your needs?

Hello, I'm Karin Hutchinson.

If you are like many of the people who email me on a daily basis, you have been searching for hours trying to find the perfect Algebra program! 

I get it!  And... I can help!

On this page I'll explain...

A little bit about me...

I started my teaching career in 1996 as a second grade teacher.  I loved all those little ones, but I realized that instead of teaching every subject, which often occurs in the elementary school,  I really wanted to focus on teaching math.

So, I started a masters program with Johns Hopkins University specializing in math education.  Upon graduation from the program, I moved into a middle school and jumped right into teaching Algebra 1.  And... I loved every minute of it!

I believe that being an Algebra teacher is the best job in the world because so many students come to you hating math or having struggled with math for so long, that they are difficult to reach.  But... by carefully chunking the lessons and taking the time to really explain the concepts, these students can be transformed into successful, math loving students!  That transformation is just phenomenal to watch.

In 2004, I had my first child and decided that it was my calling to stay home and raise my children.  So, I quit my job to be a full-time mom.

However, I still had that passion for teaching Algebra and I made it happen even while I stayed home with my children.  I started by tutoring middle school students after school and eventually, I taught myself html and started Algebra-class.com.

It has been so rewarding to be able to continue to help students learn to love Algebra!

My teaching strategies have carried over into making Algebra-Class perfect for you!

As I mentioned earlier, chunking lessons and taking the time to fully explain the concepts, helped hundreds of my math students be successful in Algebra and beyond! (By the way, chunking lessons just means to break them into smaller chunks to make the material easier to understand :)

I've taken that same approach when creating Algebra-class.  Just as I would teach in a classroom, I have carefully...

  • chunked all lessons into smaller pieces to ensure understanding. 
  • explained each and every concept more than once to make sure that you understand the exact process.
  • provided a lot of practice problems for each concept to ensure that you fully understand each concept.
  •  provided step-by-step answers for every problem to make sure that you understand your mistakes and learn from them! 

I promise that by the end you will not only understand Algebra, but you will LOVE Algebra!

So... what exactly will you get from the Algebra-Class program?

Access to ALL Algebra Courses:  Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and College Algebra

When you subscribe to Algebra Class, you will have access to ALL of our materials!  Whether you are studying Algebra 1, Algebra 2, or College Algebra, you will be able to access the course you need!  And... when you finish one course, feel free to move onto the next!

You will be taught as if you have a teacher sitting right beside you!

With over 400 video lessons (and more to come) and guided notes worksheets, you will be fully engaged in learning, not just watching some boring videos. Why so many lessons, you might ask?  Well, you are pretty much guaranteed to understand Algebra because I've broken all of the lessons down into bite sized pieces. 

With step-by-step videos that walk you through hundreds of examples, you will have no problem understanding Algebra!

You will build a solid foundation that will prepare you for any higher level math course, placement test, or career.

You can't be successful in Algebra or any higher level math class without a strong foundation in the basics!  That's why we will start at the very beginning reviewing integers, properties, and expressions.

As you enter each new unit, you will have a strong foundation of skills that will ensure your success! 

When you are having trouble, there's always help!

Through all of my experiences, I can identify exactly which concepts students struggle with!  I've developed scaffolds to help with these struggles and it will allow you to fully understand challenging concepts!

You'll start with my solving equations organizer that will help you to solve any equation. Solving equations is the basis of your foundation.  It's one of the most important skills that you will learn in Algebra!

Many students get frustrated right from the beginning with complex equations, but I guarantee that you won't when you use the Solving Equations Organizer that is only found in this course!

Another organizer that you won't want to be without is my Word Problem organizer!  The DREADED Word Problems...  Everyone hates them, but once you learn to dissect the problem, you will be teaching others how to solve these real world problems!

You will have lots of opportunity for practice!

I know, who wants more work, right?  But... the only way to truly understand these concepts is to complete a few problems.  This builds confidence to keep moving forward. 

All of our practice worksheets have three sections.  The first section will walk you through each step of the problem, giving you hints and help if needed. 

The second section is more practice without helpful hints, and the third section will extend your knowledge, providing a little challenge.

So ... you will never get frustrated because there are problems for every type of learner!

You will be able to work quickly through each lesson, saving time and frustration!

I know you are busy!  You have tons of homework in addition to all of your evening activities.  That's why I am going to save you so much time!  Isn't it frustrating when you have to take a half-hour or longer to figure out how to get the right answer? 

That's why I provide you with step-by-step answer keys !  You can compare your answers to the key and find your mistake instantly.  What I LOVE most about it is that you learn the best by analyzing your mistakes. This makes it quick, easy, and adds to the learning experience!

You  can access algebra class from anywhere!

You are busy and always on the go!  I understand and sometimes you might have to study a little on the road.  You can access Algebra Class via the internet and study from anywhere!  Yep... there are no excuses!

Is It Affordable?

Think about how much it would cost to hire a tutor for one hour a week....

About $60 an hour is the going rate around here in Maryland.

That adds up to about $240 a month for just 4 hours of help.

You can get a years subscription to Algebra Class for less than a month of tutoring!  Only need it for a few months? We understand... and we have a monthly subscription as well!

Learn Algebra Today With Our Back to School Sale!

Choose your payment plan to subscribe to our highly rated Algebra courses!

Yearly Subscription
    $79 per year
(Savings of over $100 off the monthly subscription rate)
($15 x 12 months = $180)

This is a recurring payment and you will be charged $79 per year.  You can cancel at anytime.  This plan is best for students who need help with algebra for at least 6 consecutive months, or a whole school year.

Monthly Subscription
$15 per month
(This is a monthly recurring subscription that can be cancelled anytime.)

This is a recurring payment and you will be charged $12 per month. You can cancel at anytime.  This plan is best for students who need help with algebra for a limited amount of time, 5 months or less.

Every package is backed by my 30 day guarantee. I am so confident that you will find success with Algebra Class, that I will give you 30 full days to use the workbook and video tutorials. If for any reason, you are not satisfied, just contact me and I will promptly refund your money!

If you have questions regarding your Algebra Class purchase, you may contact me at: 410-937-8468 or you can contact me via email and I will respond in less than 24 hours.

Who Should Take These Online Algebra Classes?

These online algebra classes was created with "Any" Algebra student in mind.

Many adults subscribe so that they can access the College Algebra course and brush up on their skills before taking an introductory Algebra class in college. I've also heard from adults finally passing the GED, or praxis exams after using Algebra-class to prepare for their exam!

It's also perfect for a middle or high school student who needs extra help with their Algebra 1 or Algebra 2 class. These courses can be used very much like a personal tutor who costs over $50 an hour.

Many teachers and tutors use it for students who are falling behind in class and need an independent Algebra course.

It's a very versatile program, and users of all different ages and backgrounds have had huge success with the program.

How Does The Online Algebra Class Work?

Of course you want to see it in action!  I don't blame you at all!  So, let's walk through it together.  (You can watch the video at the beginning for a real walk through)

First, you will print out the "workbook" for the lesson you are working on.

The first page or two of the workbook is the "notes" worksheet.  You will take notes on this worksheet while you are watching the video.  This way, you will not only retain the information better, but you will have notes to refer to if you have difficulty with your practice problems.

This is the notes worksheet for Graphing Slope (Lesson 4) in the Graphing Equations Unit.

Click here to download this workbook. Go ahead, please download it, watch the video, take notes and see how it works :)

Next, watch the video tutorial for that lesson.  Click on the arrow in the middle of the screen and take notes as you go along!

Now, it's time to practice!

In every workbook are three sets of practice problems.  The first set is includes hints or directions to walk you through if you are having difficulty. 

The second set is practice without any hints to see if you've fully learned this concept.

The third set is meant to challenge you a little or extend your knowledge of the concept.  Many times these are applications of the skill in a real world context.

If you didn't download the workbook above, click here to download the workbook and practice your graphing slope skills.

The Best Part of the Program...

The BEST part of the program is the step-by-step solutions to every single problem! All answer keys are color coded to help you better understand the process. 

You will never have to spend time trying to figure out where you made your mistake. This allows you to learn from your mistakes and to fully understand the concept.

And...  If you are using this online algebra class as your only curriculum (for home schooling or teaching purposes), I've also included chapter quizzes, tests, and a mid-term and final exam. (Yes - with step-by-step solutions!)

Please, check your work!  Click here to download the answer keys.  Did you totally master the lesson, or did you make a few mistakes?

If you made a few mistakes, it's ok!  Use the answer to determine where you made your mistake and you will remember that and most likely not make the same mistake twice!  These answer keys can be a great learning tool!

Algebra Class is Super Easy to Use!

Everything is in one place!  Print your worksheets and watch the video all from one screen!

It Really Does Work...

Take a look at this email that I received from a struggling mother of five...

Dear Karin,

I am a 38 year old mother of five who has never done mathematics in high school. I am considering a career change so I need mathematics desperately. In my attempts to learn high school maths,

I had tried several programs from the internet. I had bought at least three maths programs locally. Then I Googled something on equations and came across your web page. As I have stated earlier in the previous email, it is the best! I have not seen anything that comes close to your material.

You have taken away my frustration and made learning maths very easy and fun for me. For me, your course explains even better than one of the high school teachers whose services I had acquired to help with my studies. I literally came from one of his classes crying, thinking that I had become so dumb that I could not comprehend a thing in what he was trying to explain.

Until I used your material, I felt that mathematics was not for "dummies" like me. Since I started using your program less than 4 weeks ago, I already feel like one of the Professors in Mathematics.

I am learning from home now without any maths tutor. I love maths. You are a great teacher. Thank you very much.



Read more reviews

I know you are wondering if this program will cover the units that you are studying.

Your subscription includes Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and College Algebra.  So, no matter which course you are studying, you should be able to find that concept here on Algebra Class.

Do You Want to Give it a Try First?

I totally understand the need to try something out before you purchase!  And.. of course, I want to make sure that this program will fit your needs.

So, you can create an account and try out the first two units complete FREE

The first unit is a Pre-Algebra Refresher and the second unit is Solving Equations.  They can both be found in our Pre-Algebra and Solving Equations Course! 

Sign up for the course here, and the best part is no payment is necessary!   If you like the program, then you can go to your home page and subscribe to get all 3 courses! 

Don't Wait To Finally Get Rid of Your Stress and Understand Algebra!

Yearly Subscription
    $79 per year
(Savings of over $100 off the monthly subscription rate)
($15 x 12 months = $180)

This is a recurring payment and you will be charged $79 per year.  You can cancel at anytime.  This plan is best for students who need help with algebra for at least 6 consecutive months, or a whole school year.

Monthly Subscription
$15 per month
(This is a monthly recurring subscription that can be cancelled anytime.)

This is a recurring payment and you will be charged $12 per month. You can cancel at anytime.  This plan is best for students who need help with algebra for a limited amount of time, 5 months or less.

Every package is backed by my 30 day guarantee. I am so confident that you will find success with Algebra Class, that I will give you 30 full days to use the workbook and video tutorials. If for any reason, you are not satisfied, just contact me and I will promptly refund your money!

If you have questions regarding your Algebra Class purchase, you may contact me at: 410-937-8468 or you can contact me via email and I will respond in less than 24 hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I order and for some reason it doesn't work for me? We know that everyone has different learning styles. If you feel that you are not mastering Algebra, simply contact me (within 30 days of signing up) and I will refund your money promptly.

Will I receive the books in the mail? No, this is an E-course and all of the materials can be printed. You will login and have access to all materials. Nothing will arrive in the mail.

Can I try it out before I purchase? Yes. You can sign up for the free Pre-algebra and Solving Equations unit. This course will not only prepare you for Algebra 1, but it will also give you an idea of how the E-course is set up. You can sign up here.

Does this program work with Mac computers? Yes, you can use a Mac computer, a PC computer, or a tablet. All videos are formatted to be viewed on all computers.

What if I'm a teacher and need multiple logins for my students? Contact me and I will give you my group rates for schools or teachers.

What if I have trouble logging on or need technical support? Simply contact me through the website and I will respond within 24 hours, usually must sooner. I can also be reached by phone at 410-937-8468.

Is your payment processor secure? Yes! I use Stripe, a very well known payment processor, and it's very secure. You can verify this by checking your address bar on the payment page. It will start with https if the payment page is secure.

Can I pay by check or money order?Yes! If you are not comfortable with using your credit card or pay pal, simply contact me and I will give you an address to send the payment.