New!  Introducing the LIVE Algebra Class Online!

Dear Home-school Parent,
My name is Karin Hutchinson, and I am the owner, creator, and teacher for and the Algebra class online.

Congratulations on homeschooling your child!  This is such a rewarding experience and I know first hand how hard you work.

I home-schooled my daughter  for one and a half years.  Those middle school years can be tough on some children, and unfortunately we had to make a decision to pull her out of public school in the middle of 7th grade.  Homeschooling is most definitely the right choice for many students, whether it's for their entire educational career or just a few years to get them through.

Having home-schooled myself I also know the challenges, especially when students enter the middle and upper grades.  I spent hours searching the internet for materials, finding some that worked well, and others not so much.  Although I was a former teacher, I still questioned myself as to whether I was providing a rigorous enough education and whether I was meeting her needs.  Not to mention that since I am more of a math/science girl, I struggled to teach, help, and even understand the social studies material. 

So, although we can teach all subjects, we can't be master of all subjects and that's where I am here to help you with Algebra! 

Have you or your child been completely frustrated with math?  Does your child find the typical home-school math curricula non-engaging or difficult to understand? Do you worry about not being able to provide your child with a solid foundation in Algebra so that they will be successful in upper level math courses?  I get it!  It's a lot to worry about.

I created in 2009 and since then I have had the pleasure of helping students all over the world understand Algebra! In 2010 I created an Algebra 1 curriculum that thousands of students have used to complete their Algebra 1 studies. After receiving many emails about tutoring and live teaching, I've decided to start my first online Algebra 1 class.

My goal is to take the stress off of you and lead your child through an engaging, successful year of Algebra 1 that will provide the confidence and background needed for success in higher level math courses.

Please continue reading to discover how this program works, why your child will be less stressed and excited to learn Algebra each day, and how you will gain about 5 hours back in your day with less stress and a happy child! 

All the best,
Karin Hutchinson

How does the online program work?

Your online Algebra class will meet once a week from September through May.  The program works like this:

What will you study?

This course is a full Algebra 1 course.  You will have an in-depth study of linear, exponential, and quadratic equations and functions.  Below is a synopsis of the ten units and main concepts studied within each unit.

Is this the best program for you and your child?

The nice thing about homeschooling is that there is not one way or method for teaching.  We are able to cater to our child's needs to ensure that they get the best well-rounded education.

So, if you are wondering if this is the best program for you or your child, think about the following questions.

  • Have you been completely frustrated with math curricula in the past? 
  • Has your child been unmotivated or unsuccessful with math in the past?
  • Are you looking for a community of learners where your child can ask questions and get help when needed?
  • Would you like an online teacher to meet with your child each week to ensure his/her success?
  • Do you want to take the stress of planning and teaching off of your shoulders and hand that over to a certified Algebra teacher?
  • Are you looking for motivating, easy to understand video tutorials?
  • Are you looking for an organized program that slowly builds on skills to form a strong foundation in Algebra?

Honestly, I could keep going forever with the questions, but if you can answer yes to the majority of these questions, then this is the perfect program for you and your child.

What sets this program apart from the million other home-school programs?

This is a great question and one that I am sure you are very curious about!

  1. In this program, I am using a newly revised and updated version of my Algebra 1 course which has been used and loved by thousands of students.  Emails and testimonials have proven that this course works for students, especially those who have experienced difficulties in the past.
  2. I realize that parents can often be equally as frustrated as their child when it comes to higher level math courses. Therefore, I am taking the stress and burden off of you and I will be the go to person when your child needs help.
  3. My newly revised practice worksheets have been designed for learners of all levels.  There will be three sections.  The first section is for students who are struggling and need extra hints or assistance.  The second section is for students who are ready to practice and have a good understanding.  The third section is for students who are ready to apply and extend their knowledge of the skill.  This allows all students to be successful with assignments.
  4. All lessons come with a step-by-step answer key so you will never have to spend hours trying to figure out how to solve a problem correctly or try to figure out where you made a mistake!  This is a HUGE time-saver!
  5. I'm using a platform that allows students to communicate with other students in the class.  Students often learn best through teaching others.  Having students help each other is a great way to strengthen skills and get help when needed.
  6. We will meet weekly using an online whiteboard program so all students will be actively engaged in the learning process.
  7. I am so confident that you will love this program, that I am offering a money back guarantee.  After one month of classes, if you or your child are not completely happy, I will refund 100% of the cost of the program!

When do classes meet?

As of right now, I am scheduling classes for Tuesday mornings at 9 a.m. EST or on Wednesday afternoons at 12:00 p.m. EST.  Other classes will open if enrollments exceed 20 students per class.  If these times do not work for your family, please send me a message and let me know as I will try to accommodate schedules as best as I can.

The school session will begin on Tuesday, September 3, 2019. The final day of classes will be on Friday, May 22, 2020.

There will be no classes or assignments on the following days:

  • November 28-29    (Thanksgiving Break)
  • December 23 - Jan 3  (Winter Break)
  • April 6 - April 17 (Spring Break)

There will be a recommended schedule for completing assignments that will be centered around class meetings; however, there is a lot of room for flexibility.

So... what is the cost?

This is a very important question as well. 

I know that home-school families work on a tight budget and that's why it's my pleasure to offer the online Algebra class at an affordable price of $350 for the year.

The yearly price of $350 includes all materials, live class sessions, and our learning portal where students can interact and connect with one another.

Classes run from September - May, so this yearly cost is less than $10 per week!

I know that many Algebra classes not only charge tuition, but also charge a book or materials fee!  It's all included here at Algebra Class.  No extra fees!

Enroll before September 1st and get $50 off the enrollment fee!! 

Yes!  Save $50 by enrolling before September 1st!  Just Click the red button below to enroll your child in the Algebra 1 LIVE class! 

Need More Help With Your Algebra Studies?

Get access to hundreds of video examples and practice problems with your subscription! 

Click here for more information on our affordable subscription options.

Not ready to subscribe?  Register for our FREE Pre-Algebra Refresher course.